St. Timothy Lutheran Church


                                                          April 11, 2024

                                       Luke 24:36b-48





Scripture readings

for Sunday,  April 14

Acts 3:12-19

Psalm  4

1 John 3:1-7

Luke 24:36b-48

   36bJesus himself stood among [the disciples] and said to them, “Peace be with you.” 37They were startled and terrified, and thought that they were seeing a ghost. 38He said to them, “Why are you frightened, and why do doubts arise in your hearts? 39Look at my hands and my feet; see that it is I myself. Touch me and see; for a ghost does not have flesh and bones as you see that I have.” 40And when he had said this, he showed them his hands and his feet. 41While in their joy they were disbelieving and still wondering, he said to them, “Have you anything here to eat?” 42They gave him a piece of broiled fish, 43and he took it and ate in their presence.

44Then he said to them, “These are my words that I spoke to you while I was still with you—that everything written about me in the law of Moses, the prophets, and the psalms must be fulfilled.” 45Then he opened their minds to understand the scriptures, 46and he said to them, “Thus it is written, that the Messiah is to suffer and to rise from the dead on the third day, 47and that repentance and forgiveness of sins is to be proclaimed in his name to all nations, beginning from Jerusalem. 48You are witnesses of these things.

          For our community of faith as we seek to do God’s work in the world.

          For those in our congregation and community who suffer silently with illness, financial burdens, and family obligation.

          For people affected by coronavirus, their families, essential workers, doctors, nurses, aides, those working in nursing homes, etc.

          For  Ann Saar, Kay Marker Magneson, Roy Pihl, George Balcom, Thom Shagla, Eileen Beichner, Tom Dellapenta, Myron Klein, Pastor Karen Larson, , Pastor Gerry Zimmerman (Bethel, Portville and Shepherd of the Valley, Wellsville), James Dieter, Joe Gauvin, Emerson Allaby, John Gingrass, those serving in the military and law enforcement and their families, including Sean Pecuch, and Ben Wickerham, those caught up in violence and war who have no safe home in which to live. 


          For the ELCZ Evangelical Lutheran Church in Zimbabwe and ELCZa Evangelical Lutheran Church in Zambia.


Names will remain of the Prayer List for a month - at which

time it will be taken off unless, or course, there is still a continued need

for our prayers and we’re asked to keep the name on.




April 14               Worship

                    Southwestern Conference Spring Assembly 3:00 pm Olean

April 15 & 17          Heathy Bones

April 15               Dog Lessons

April 16               5 & 2 Packing 7:00 pm

April 18               Tai Chi  9:30 am & 12:00 pm  

                    Choir 5 pm



Caring and Sharing will be meeting next on Wed, April 24th at 3:15 at the church.    See Trish Pecuch (673-5510) if you have any questions.  New members are ALWAYS welcome!  


SUNDAY, APRIL 28, 2024



Pancakes, Sausage, Scrambled Eggs, Juice, and Coffee

Come join us for this special time of food and fellowship

Mondays @ St. Timothy’s starting 3/4/24, each class running ~1 hour:

 4:30pm: Doggie Manners One / 6 weeks… Reliably House Trained Dogs Only.  Another location available if you know interested students with potential for potty accidents. 

6pm: CGC / 4 weeks

·  4th class: Week of March 25th. …

     This will also be CGC Evaluations in 15 minute blocks, likely going later than 7 pm.  That will be the last CGC Class.  If there are enough Therapy Dog candidates the next week might offer that in that time bloce.

     ·  5th class: Week of April 1st     

·  5th class: Week of April 1st.

·  6th & Grraduation Class: Week of April 8th… 

          then potentially continuing Mondays depending on student interest and qualifications.  

Contact Carly Davis at: | 716-268-1421



                                              Book Now and Save


Our Fellowship Hall has now moved into the age of streaming, air play and computer mirroring!  In other words – we’re up to date and ready to book your presentation, meeting, banquet, shower or  movie night!


Are you a member of a group that has to book outside facilities for your meetings?  Do you know of anyone looking for a place to have their banquet?  Does your organization have special presentations and/or speakers you need a larger room for?  Book our Fellowship Hall now and save. 


2023 Building Use:

Meeting Room: $10 member/$30 non-member

Fellowship Hall - capacity 125

Fellowship Hall - $40 member/$50 non-member

Fellowship Hall with kitchen - $50 members/$75 non-members


2024 Building Use:

Currently under review by Council.   Anyone booking dates before new rates in mid-April will be grandfathered in for 2024.


We are proud to share our facilities with your group or organization.  Contact the office at (716 386-7280) or email at


Cardboard Dumpster

Available for Our Use

Next to the shed in the upper parking lot, we’ve acquired a paper and cardboard dumpster from Royal Oak Recycling.  There is NO CHARGE for us to use the dumpster and NO CHARGE to us for them to empty and dispose of it’s contents.


The company encourages advertising and promoting this service to our members.  So please feel free to recycle your cardboard and paper here. 


Just a few do’s and don’ts:

DO RECYCLE:  Newspaper, Magazines, Junk Mail, Folders, Paper (shredded paper needs to be bagged in paper bags), Cardboard and Books. 

DO BREAK DOWN your boxes to lay flat.


DO NOT RECYCLE: Food wrap/Containers, Pizza Boxes, Tissue products, Plastic, Glass, Aluminum.



This is a win/win for us and the company. 


The Ashville Hewes Center has a Food/Clothing/Hygiene Closet! Whether it be a basic need for these items, an upcoming job interview, an upcoming school or personal event, a dress code concern, or a need for appropriate work attire for our vocational programs - we will have these resources on hand for all our students on the Hewes Campus to have their basic needs met. The students will create and vote on a name for the closet and make it their own!  It will also be run by the students as they learn basic work skills.  Alissa Rinaldo is our contact person here at St. Timothy, as well as the representative for the Hewes Center for 5 & 2 Ministry and Packing. 


Below is a list of items they are requesting.  For clothing, please keep in mind that these are middle/high school students ages 14-18 and what they would wear.  Any donations can be brought to church and placed in our bin or hung on the Fellowship Hall coat rack.  Alissa will pick them up when she comes to pack for the month.  THANK YOU.


- Men’s & Women’s Clothing- casual, business & workwear

- t-shirts

- sweatshirts

- sweatpants

- leggings

- winter necessities- coats (casual & business), hats, gloves 

- jeans - work jeans

- shoes & boots - casual & work footwear 

- scrubs

- work outerwear - flannels, work coats, work gloves 

- business apparel for job interviews or formal school & personal events

- women’s and men’s undergarments 

- deodorant

- toothbrushes & toothpaste

- shampoo & conditioner

- body wash and soap

- hair brushes & combs & hair products

- lotion 

- laundry detergent - preferably pods or smaller bottles to be sent home

- laundry stain remover 

- feminine hygiene products

- reusable shopping bags

- backpacks

- travel bags (bags are for students to bring items home, discreetly) 

- cosmetic bags 

- clothing hangers

5 Loaves & 2 Fish Backpack Ministry

23/24 School Year

We contiuously collect food items for the 5 & 2 Ministry.  Bring your donations and place in the black bin in church narthex.  Lists detailing items needed are also available in the narthex.  Monetary donations welcome! Contact Gale-Svenson-Campbell for details

If you can volunteer, please contace Gale Svenson-Campbell at the link below.  Thank you!!

Bring your donations and place them in the black bin in the church narthex.  Lists detailing items needed are also available in the narthex.  Monetary donations welcome! Contact

Gale-Svenson-Campbell for details      




ONLINE GIVING at St. Timothy for Debit/Credit cards

Three ways to give:

- Go directly to our website at

- Use our QR code with the QR reader on your smartphone.

- Download the app ‘GivePlus Church’. Create an account.

  For further information, see Kathy Carlson on Sundays or call her at 485-1316.


                                                         May Church Mouse articles

                                                              due April 25.

Anyone that has any pictures or stories that they would like to share?  Send them to


Pr. Ivy Gauvin

As the brief introduction to this passage on explains, “Jesus opens the minds of the disciples to understand him as Messiah. Jesus convinces them that he has been raised and sends them on a mission to proclaim the message of repentance and forgiveness.” That’s the gist of it, but there’s so much more.

In typical fashion, Jesus takes the first step. Immediately prior to this post-resurrection appearance, Jesus appeared to the two on their way to Emmaus. The disciples were talking about this when Jesus arrived on the scene.

These are the same disciples John’s gospel tells us were hid behind locked doors out of fear. Jesus knows their needs and bids them peace.

We know that Jesus was all-knowing, yet he plays dumb. He asks the disciples why they were fearful and doubtful, as if he didn’t already know. Jesus did not mind the fact that the disciples required proof. He offered it before they could ask. What a great follow-up to last week’s gospel about Thomas’ experience.

Jesus meets us where we are at as well. He knows our fears and doubts better than we ourselves do. We need to let the Spirit open our minds, so we may be sent to proclaim God’s good news to all.

Pastor Ivy Gauvin